SuiteTools - the missing NetSuite tools
NetSuite is a powerful tool, but like any enterprise solution, it can get complex. I wanted to build an admin tool that could extract meaningful information from NetSuite.
It should keep me up to date with what are the new objects and errors in the system. Not only should it notify me about new errors, but it should also include the script's prior execution logs along with where the error occurred in the file. Very handy when you develop in TypeScript, but the error's call stack refers to lines in the JavaScript file. I should be able to search for errors or any content across all execution logs, not just by script. I should also be able to see large amounts of data at a time instead of paging thru 25 execution logs or 10 concurrency request logs at a time.
For an SSS_TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED error on a RESTlet, it should be able to show the profiler details of the RESTlet that started execution 300+ seconds before the error occurred via the APM's SuiteScript Analysis data. Yes, the RESTlet runner script really did take 361.127 seconds on the first step of its work which was to identify records to process, but NetSuite put the kabash on the script before it could actually do any work.
It should do what Salto has been able to do with SDF objects and configurations, but at a broader perspective. It should give a heatmap of the average concurrency to help identify optimal integration schedules, instead of just the peak concurrency heatmap. Yes, that data is there, but NetSuite decided not to show it. How about the last login timestamps for all active integrations, tokens and users.
You should be able to explore with ease. The interface should be intuitive with modals and other modern UI elements. You should be able to quickly open up related information in a new tab.
Of even greater value is that it should aid a technical person to quickly come up to speed with any NetSuite instance that is new to them. Yes, there really are 17 people with Administrator access in the account. This is just one of many actionable insights. Think "Suiteness" from SuiteWorld 2023.
Is SuiteTools there yet? It does include a bulk of the above. But it is not there. Nor could it get there as it was. More to come.