SuiteWorld 2016

NetSuite's SuiteWorld, their annual conference, is just around the corner on May 16-19 2016. It will again be at the San Jose Convention Center which is a well designed facility that is large enough for this event.

They have reserved rooms at many of the local hotels though you can also book your own hotel directly with several good options conveniently located along the light rail route between the airport and the convention center. See for public transit information.

There are several improvements from last year. The main keynotes are now just on Tuesday. On Wednesday they have added SuiteWorld 2016 where you will need to select the one that you are most interested in. Thursday ends a bit earlier in the day at 2pm which makes getting home easier and thus a more productive Friday back at work. They also have a new zone just for developers call DEVLAND which I plan to spend time at in between other events.

They have a nice web-based itinerary for selecting your sessions to help you make the most out of your time. The sessions are getting filled fast so I suggest you book soon if you want to go. It will also cost you an additional $200 if you do not register before April 30.

See for more details.